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TIN BÀI BỘ MÔN - Ngoại ngữ






* Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.

1. A. chore                         B. work                    C. door                              D. divorce

2. A. cook                          B. look                    C. book                             D. choose

3. A. see                            B. break                  C. increase                         D. breathe

4. A. century                      B. bacteria               C. practice                          D. destination

5. A. bulky                         B. earbud                 C. debut                            D. judge

6. A. travelled                     B. played                                     C. cleaned                                              D. wanted

7. A. educate                     B. debate                C. passionate                     D. state

8. A. want                         B. applicant              C. tenant                           D. vacant

9. A. chore                         B. chance                C. child                              D. stomach

10. A. contest                      B. forest                     C. invest                                   D. arrest                                         

* Choose the word whose stress is placed differently from that of the others.

1. A. household                  B. housework        C. prepare                          D. husband

2. A. passionate                  B. recognise        C. charity                           D. contestant

3. A. volunteer                    B. understand        C. community                     D. disadvantage

4. A. Self –interest              B. bookshelf        C. waterfall                        D. trainspotting

5. A. heart attack                B. washing powder                              C. fish tank               D. mother tongue

6. A. contribution                B. disadvantaged                    C. announcement                           D. individual

7. A. disabled                     B. invalid        C. obvious                         D. creative

8. A. enormous                   B. vulnerable        C. contribute                      D. exactly

9. A. priority                       B. ability        C. community                     D. voluntary

10. A. swimming pool          B. beef tomato        C. bus stop                        D. sunrise


Choose the best option to complete the following sentences.

1. I really need some urgent methods to …………………… some bad habits.

A. kick                               B. remember             C. give on                          D. get rid

2. Food is broken down and converted into energy in the …………………… system.

A. brain                              B. heart                   C. digestive                        D. skeletal

3. It’s another name for the backbone. It is ……………………

A. leg                                B. spine                   C. brain                              D. pump

4. When you do something good for others, you will find your life …………………….

A. meaningless                   B. hopeless               C. harmful                          D. meaningful

5. Teaching English is a great example of a volunteer job that often …………………… a career.

A. leads                             B. leads up               C. turns                            D. turns into

6. People who volunteer in their community have a personal …………………… to the area and want to make it a

better place for themselves and for others.

A. interest                          B. passion                C. attachment                     D. attraction

7. …………………… is the member of a family who earns the money that the family needs.

A. Husband                        B. Breadwinner      C. Women                         D. Homemaker

8.I often …………………… at the market near her house.

A. clean the house              B. shop for grocery                             C. do the cooking                                   D. feed the cat

9. Last year, my class …………………… to teach the children in a remote area.

A. volunteer                       B. voluntary        C. volunteered                    D. volunteers

10. The magnetic compass was first used to determine the correct …………………… by the Chinese.

A. way                               B. road                    C. path                              D. direction

11. In less than a decade you will carry a …………………… laser pen capable of sealing wounds

A. readable                         B. comfortable           C. portable                         D. capable

12. You can’t use the washing machine today. It’s ……………………

A. out of work                     B. out of order                                        C. breaking down                                 D. wrong

13. The song was specially …………………… for the wedding.

A. created                          B. compiled              C. composed                       D. invented

14. Children who share the housework with their mums and dads do better at school and become more


A. sociable                          B. unfriendly             C. vulnerable                      D. aggressive

15. Van Cao’s Tien Quan Ca was made into the national …………………… of Socialist Republic of Viet Nam.        

A. song                              B. music                 C. melody                           D. anthem

16. Foods and drinks which strongly …………………… the body can cause stress.

A. boost                             B. develop                  C. encourage                    D. stimulate

17. Ailments are caused by a(n) …………………… of yin and yang.

A. imbalance                       B. unequal                     C. abnormal                      D. ineffectiveness

18. Quan Ho singing …………………… in Bac Ninh Province.

A. recognised                      B. reversed               C. originated                       D. consisted

19. Guitars, flutes, organs, drums are called musical …………………….

A. instruments                    B. festivals               C. composers                      D. singers

20. “How long?” by Charlie Puth is a …………………… hit.

A. smart                             B. smell                   C. smash                            D. smoke

21. After a summer doing volunteering in a mountainous area, I …………………… many practical skills such as

surviving, first aid and teamwork.

A. lived                              B. donated               C. advertised                       D. gained

22. Vietnam Idol is part of the Idol …………………… created in the UK.

A. original                           B. smash hit             C. franchise                        D. phenomenon

23. He is never willing to listen to the views of others. He is a …………………… person.

A. negative                         B. positive                C. pessimist                        D. narrow-minded

24. We all feel …………………… about going on tours around Hanoi.

A. interested                       B. excited             C. bored                       D. tired

25. She sings so beautifully that her friends persuaded her to enter a singing …………………….

A. contestant                      B. contesting            C. contest                          D. contestable

26. The local …………………… was satisfied with the development programs of the government.

A. position                          B. opportunity           C. community                     D. facility

27. Many people have …………………… for the position of the manager of the charity organisation.

A. donated                         B. developed             C. applied                           D. dedicated

28. Nowadays, many women work to share the household financial …………………… with their husband.

A. equality                          B. benefit                 C. solution                          D. burden

29. The panel of judges in recent game shows usually involves …………………….

A. contestants                     B. phenomena           C. performances                  D. celebrities

30. A …………………… album is the first album produced by a particular singer or band.

A. debut                             B. hit                       C. latest                             D. platinum


* Choose the best option to complete the following sentences.

1. Her husband is very kind. He always cares …………………… her and never puts all of the housework

…………………… her.

A. about - in                       B. for - in                 C. about - on                      D. with - on

2.It is unfair to state that a woman’s job is to look …………………… everyone in the family and takes care

……………………  the house.

A. in - on                           B. after-in                 C. of - of                            D. after - of

3. They will come to our house …………………… ten minutes.

A. in                                  B. to                        C. for                                 D. during

4. This figure graduated …………………… a very famous music school and devoted his life to arts.

A. on                                 B. from                              C. of                                  D. into

5. Her talent …………………… art has been obvious ever since she was a child.

A. at                                  B. in                        C. for                                 D. about

6. He and his wife shared a passion …………………… classical music.

A. for                                 B. of                        C. on                                 D. about

7. Son Tung MTP looks passionate …………………… stage.

A. at                                  B. in                        C. on                                 D. of

8. We met each other …………………… chance in a party.

A. in                                  B. at                        C. by                                 D. on

9. Internet helps us interact …………………… people all around the world.

A. on                                 B. in                        C. with                               D. of

10. He is not very good …………………… Maths.

A. in                                  B. on                       C. at                                  D. for


* Choose the best option to complete the following sentences.

1. Last night, there was …………………… bird singing outside my house.

A. the                                B. a                         C. x                                   D. this

2. What are your plans for …………………… future?

A. a                                   B. an                       C. the                                D. Ø

3. …………………… technology is already present in the form of computers, printers, scanners, handheld devices,

wireless technologies, and Internet connections.

A. A                                  B. An                       C. The                                         D. Ø

4. By 2015, it will be widely accepted that schools and pre-schools have …………………… extremely important role to

play in future of our world.

A. an / a                            B. an / the               C. the / the                        D. Ø / Ø

5. On …………………… Internet and with cable television w e can select information from …………………… wide variety

of sources.

A. the / a                           B. an / the               C. the / Ø                           D. Ø / the

6. There is one …………………… thing we can be sure: …………………… energy will be more challenging and more

important in the future.

A. the / Ø                           B. the / an               C. a / the                           D. Ø / Ø

7. …………………… Europe and Asia are coming to rely more and more on …………………… nuclear generation.

A. An / a                            B. Ø / Ø                   C. The / the                        D. The / a

8. He usually travels to …………………… Philadelphia by …………………… train.

A. Ø / Ø                             B. the / a                 C. the / the                        D. Ø / a

9. You frequently see this kind of violence on …………………… television.

A. a                                   B. an                       C. the                                D. Ø

10. How do we know what …………………… universe is supposed to look like?

A. a                                   B. an                       C. the                               D. Ø


* Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined words in each of the following questions.

1. By working for an international organization, he takes opportunities to have a worldwide network of friends and

interact with variety of people.

A. relate to                       B. communicate with                                C. dedicate with                                     D. roommate with

2. He continued to fight against the ruling government which as extremely cruel.

A. structure                      B. struggle                                     C. find                                     D. discover

3. In my family, everyone shares the household duties.

A.responsibilities               B.balance                                     C.culture                                     D.finances

4. Our family members are very busy, so we split the household chores equally.

A.add                              B.care                                     C.contribute                                     D.divide

5. Britain is beating Brazil 8-0. It’s unbelievable.

A. effective                      B. incredible                                     C. common                                     D. complicated

6. There is evidence that acupuncture can ease pain.

A. promote                      B. boost                                     C. stop                                     D. cause

7. That teen idol was talented to win second place in the Idol Contest in 2010.

A. clever                          B. gifted                                     C. intelligent                                     D. lucky

8. She sings so beautifully that her friends persuaded her to enter a singing contest.

A. performance                 B. final                                     C. competition                                     D. show

9. This reality TV show soon became a worldwide phenomenon.

A. nation                         B.national                                     C. global                                     D.globe

10. This will be a hopeful season of this entertainment format to air in the near future.

A. breathe out                  B. breathe in                                     C. broadcast                                     D.inhale


* Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined words in each of the following questions.

1. It’s obvious that volunteers are passionate about doing something good for others.

A. clear                           B. right                                     C. exact                                     D. unclear

2. Many volunteers feel that they were ignorant or narrow-minded before.

A. open-minded                B. absent-minded                                     C. strong-minded                                     D. like-minded

3. Most people don’t realise the enormous benefits of sharing the household chores among family members.

A.big                               B.tiny                                     C.very large                                     D.long

4. Mary is a sociable girl because she likes meeting and spending time with other people in her free time.

A.critical                          B.happy                                     C.unfriendly                                     D.friendly

5. I can’t solve this math problem because it is so complicated.

A. easy                            B. complex                                     C. difficult                                     D. hard

6. It’s unusual when it snows in a tropical country like Vietnam.

A. equal                          B. common                                     C. strange                                      D. individual

7. At the box office, you can buy the tickets for the show, or you can purchase them online.

A. buy                             B. receive                                     C. sell                                     D. own

8. The contestants who receive the fewest viewers’ votes are eliminated from the competition.

A. got rid of                     B. reduced                                     C. added                                     D. divided

9. Many people think that this laptop is costly.

A. expensive                    B. cheap                                     C. light                                     D. portable

10. One of the important benefits of digital cameras is that they are not bulky.

A. light                            B. convenient                                     C. small                                     D. costly


* Choose the best option to complete the following sentences.

1. While Tom …………………… English to poor children in Phnom Penh last year, he …………………… a lot about

Cambodian culture.

A. is teaching – knows   B. was teaching – knew   C. taught – was knowing      D. was teaching – was knowing

2. My grandmother feels uncomfortable today. I guess it …………………… rain tomorrow.

A. is going to                      B. should                 C. will                                D. be able to

3. She often …………………… a big breakfast but today she …………………… only a glass of milk.

A. has/ is having                 B. was having/ had               C. had/has               D. had had/ is having

4. The baby …………………… Don’t make so much noise.   

A. sleep                             B. sleeps                            C. is sleeping            D. slept

5. The teen singer is old enough …………………… up his own mind.

A. make                             B. to make                         C. making                 D. made

6. Our school volunteer activities are very ……………………

A. exciting                          B. excited                           C. excite                   D. excitement

7. We were walking in the park when it …………………… to rain.

A. start                              B. started                           C. was starting          D. starts

8. Someone …………………… her purse while she …………………… on the bus.

A. steal/was getting             B. stole/was getting           C. was stealing/was getting          D. was stealing/got

9. Last night my favorite program …………………… by a special news bulletin.

A. interrupted                     B. was interrupted               C. were interrupted          D. is interrupted

10. “ Where’s Tony?” “ He …………………… to the travel agent’s, and he hasn’t come back.”

A. has been                        B. has been going             C. has gone              D. had gone

11. Up to now, the discount …………………… to children under ten years old.

A. has only applied              B. only applies       &